The QI ‘To-Don’t List’
When I hear people and team's say, "QI doesn't work in real life," or "QI is too complicated," it's probably due to one of several common factors. In this vlog, my friend and colleague, Khalil Hassam, and I will use some of our favorite classic meme images to show you the handful of things you should STOP doing in your QI projects.
The Culture of Quality - Part 2
Eating a whale is no easy task. Above and beyond the buy-in and change management necessary to create the right environment for change, actually implementing the change is like trying to eat a whale while avoiding being swallowed by another one.
The Culture of Quality - Part 1
How do you eat a whale? The old idiom says one bite at time, but the truth is, even if you try your best, work your hardest, and focus on the task at hand, it's just too much. In my work, I've seen this struggle play out in clinics, public health departments, and hospital units alike.